Silver/Silver Ion Non-Aqueous Reference Electrode

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Silver/Silver Nitrate non-aqueous reference electrode (Ag/Ag+), a reference electrode that requires user assembly. A vial containing AgNO3 salt is provided to be dissolved in an appropriate electrolyte.
  • Laboratory grade borosilicate glass shaft
  • Electroporous KT Glass frit/junction
  • Reference electrode body length is 11 cm
  • Main body diameter is 9 mm, and is 4 mm at the glass junction
  • Cable connection is 2 mm phone jack (plugs directly into Gamry white reference cable)
  • Includes Safety Data Sheet and black protective cover for glass frit

All reference electrodes from Gamry maintain electrical contact with the supporting electrolyte through replaceable Porous Glass Tips (Part No. 955-00003 -package of 5)

Overview of reference electrodes
Checking the impedance of your reference electrode
Care of reference electrode and changing porous glass frits
Convert Potentials to Another Reference Electrode

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